KINDRED SPIRIT cage- free boarding & fun on 3 fenced acres every day of the year
KINDRED SPIRIT cage- free boarding & funon 3 fenced acres every day of the year 

Open daily:   7:30 am to 5:30 pm 

Please text or call  541-706-1544 or


or email: kindredspiritpc

Contact Details

Kindred Spirit Pet Care

60742 Bristol Way 

Bend,  97702


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 "A typical day at the Cottage  " narrated by Pablo, our resident-dog and  unofficial manager of the whole place . He is currently training our Chi-mix puppy Pita  to be his deputy...

5:30  am : Time to wake our human up: we pant, we march, we nudge her  . Finally she stirs: we celebrate with hugs and licks and then she lets us out to sniff and water the many trees in our big  backyard 

6 am  : Time for Breakfast and a proper sniff-out of all the many trees on the poperty !

7:45  am : the Daycare dogs and our human assistant  arrive : We wag, we bark , we posture and we are so excited 

8 am:OUR ADVENTURE  HIKE !  5-6 of us  pile into the cars and go to our secret trailhead , where we can jump over sagebrush. run and chase each other - NO CARS!!

10 am : We are back - and we are tired! Snooze time - while the poor humans clean house, pay bills and do all this other boring human stuff.We are so glad to be excempt from that:-)

11 am: Martina goes to run errands and we have chew sticks and watch the house . A good deal for us...

12 pm : she is back and we celebrate! Then the " half day dogs'' go home

12-2 pm Quiet time 

2 pm: Snacks and  Backyard time Balls , sniffs, rolling in  the grass etc 

3 pm : Either another lil walk with our Senior guests in the big field close to our house  or an outing  to Ponderosa dog park 

3pm: Early dinner time for the overnight guests - 

4 pm- 6pm : The day care dogs go home -we flirt with their parents and tell them about all the fun ...

6 pm : Evening snack  and time to watch the news with Martina and cuddle up . If she goes away ,we will watch the house again or talk to teh roommates

pm : Getting ready for bed _ One more lab through the back yard and one big dog biscuit. please. Good night !

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